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About Your Brisbane Tarot School Teacher

Sarah, Teacher, Psychic, Medium, Holistic Counsellor, HH Dip (H.C) Grief and Trauma Qualified, Professional coach, AssocDBus, and Intuitive Multi Modality Healer


My Mission As A Teacher Of Esoteric Studies

Who am I on this journey?

I am proud to be the Teacher at The Brisbane Tarot School. A facilitator for the empowerment journey of all my students. An eternal student myself.

I am a Priestess and Psychic, blessed to have been born with a connection to the otherworld. A Poet, a Wonderer, a being who recognises all beings as teachers in this dance of life.

About Me

My journey with Esoteric Studies began with the blessing of the connection to the Fae and the lands of my birth.

I have been a reader and Psychic Medium in a professional capacity for over 20 years.

I have been blessed to teach and facilitate courses for much of the last 15 years.

As a trained Priestess, with deep reverence and honour of that path, I am empowered by all it has given me. I am blessed to have a daily connection to all that guides and drives me.

I have a background in Humanistic Study and I craft and create courses as well as poetry, insights and meditations, to empower myself and inspire others.

I am Blessed and Grateful in all that I do.

I am imperfectly me and predictably unpredictable.

Dowsing Pendulum over Tarot
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